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The Importance of a Proper Grade – How Much Slope do you Need?

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The Importance of a Proper Grade – How Much Slope do you Need?

Posted by wpadmin on Apr 18, 2019

Many homeowners are unaware of how important “setting the grade” for a house foundation.  This is very important because if land grading is not done properly, runoff from rain can be directed toward your home’s foundation.  This water can eventually compromise the foundation, and cause water damage to your home itself. 


If the ground around your house is completely flat with no slope, or even worse, if it slopes down toward the foundation, you may develop a drainage problem, or you may already have one.  How do you know if your house has the correct grade?


If you own a home, you may fin yourself having to do some grading to correct drainage issues.  Poor drainage can lead to leaky basements.  Most times if you have a basement with water issues, it means that you don’t have the correct slope away from the foundation.  In order to grade properly, you will need to first know how much slope you need away from your house.


When grading land extending from a foundation, a good rule of thumb is about 6 inches for the first 10 feet.  This would give you a “slope” of about 5 percent. 


Many professionals can grade land successfully using a lesser slope, but those who wish to be on the safe side, choose the direction of the greater slope. 


How do you find the slope of a stretch of land to begin with?  How do you know if the slope needs to be adjusted?  Here is a quick and easy way to find out:


You will need:

  • String (at least 12 feet)
  • 2 stakes and something to pound them into the ground
  • A string level
  • A tape measure


Taking the supplies above, do the following:

  • Tie one end of the string loosely around the first stake (stake A)
  • Pound stake A into the ground right near your foundation
  • Slide the string down stake A, so that it rests at ground level
  • Tie the other end of the string loosely around the second stake (stake B)
  • Measure out 10 feet down the slope from stake A, and pound stake B into the ground there. Wrap any extra string around stake B.  The string between the stakes should be taut, but still adjustable.
  • Slide the string up or down stake B, to make it roughly level.
  • Put the string level on the string, at about the mid-point between the stakes.
  • Now adjust the string up or down on stake B, to make it exactly level.
  • Measure the distance from the string on stake B to the ground. Is the measurement of 6 inches or more?


The slope measurement you just took will determine whether you need to re-grade this land:


If the measurement is 6 inches or more, congratulations, you have a perfect slope!  No need to grade the land.


If it is less than 6 inches, you will need to re-grade the land around the foundation. 

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